Munich and chocolate malts combine to create a darker, maltier version of its lighter counterpart, Weizenbier. Amber-brown in color yet medium-bodied with a slightly sweet, bready flavor. A specialty wheat yeast produces the characteristic phenols found in traditional Weizens.
ABV: 4.75% – 5.25%
IBUs: 10 – 13
Difficulty: Easy
PLEASE NOTE: Brewer’s Best boxed recipes include YEAST, PRIMING SUGAR, CAPS and GRAIN BAGS, unlike many other online “kits”.
The Appalachian –
This is a great beer. It’s a crowd pleaser, people that usually only like miller lite drank this and enjoyed it. It’s got a good malty sweet taste upfront with a bit of the fruity wheat yeast showing up in the after taste. A good starter beer if you’re not sure what you like or want something that everyone will enjoy.